If any moderators see this :
Right off the bat, a few days back I just found out that "private servers" were actually illegal. My friend told me that a mod told him that. So firstly, I obviously didn't know that doing this(or any other things) outside the the "real" game could get u banned. But I realised that coaxing players to private servers is ruining the community. If you've been following me, I'm sure you know that I've always been active in the community, suggesting ways in which the game could be improved. However in this case, I realise that what I've done is wrong. Therefore I would like to apologize for my actions. In addition to that, mentioning private servers in the /rules would be really helpful if it was actually illegal! I personally constantly look and check the /rules feature of the game (which i think is really great!) as a guidance before doing anything in Growtopia. For example, I found out that autofarming was illegal through the /rules feature. As Growtopia content creator, I can guarantee that I personally DO NOT play private servers. 2 months ago I saw other Youtubers doing private server, and it did get ALOT of views, so i check /rules and thought why not? I've so far only made ONE private server video.. showing you that I am a loyal growtopia player. I do not intend to attract players to play in private server, but I made a video merely for the views back then. Losing players to private server would also be a loss for me, as I'd lose subscribers and viewers since I only make "GROWTOPIA" videos, not private server.
I hope you can understand, and see where I'm coming from. Maybe implement my suggestions if you think is necessary. Thank you for your time.
-PRO, your loyal content creator