
The Big Picture #14 You and Me

The Big Picture #14 You and Me Many people treat the Gospel in the same way they treat a software licence agreement. They don't study it in detail. They simply scroll down to the bottom and absentmindedly click on 'I agree'. That's why 21 out of the 27 books of the New Testament are letters written by the early Christian leaders to people like you and me. Part 14 of the Bible spells out for us why the Gospel is good news and what it means for us to experience the new life of Jesus in our daily lives.

Everyday,Everyday Church,Everyday Church Online,Online,Church,Online Church,Church Online,Bible,Bible Study,Christian,Phil,Moore,Phil Moore,Sermon,Message,Series,Everyday People,Extraodinary God,God,Jesus,Holy,Holy Spirit,The Big Picture,

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