I also want to apologize for the gaps in my video postings! I'm trying to work, make doctors appointments and take care of my home while doing Youtube. It's a bit challenging but I'm here for you guys! Sending so much love everyone's way!
| Sweet dreams my butterflies 🦋❤️ |
If you noticed it, this is a different quality video! This is because my semester is over and I no longer have access to a camera, tripod, etc. So I will be using my phone to record which also limits the duration of my videos.
I have a tip jar to help purchase my own camera equipment via Cash app! (Below)
Love you guys! 🦋💞
Fast Aggressive ASMR (1) :
Fast Aggressive ASMR (2):
Fast Aggressive ASMR (3):
Fast Aggressive ASMR (4):
Fast Aggressive ASMR (5):
100 + Fast & Aggressive Triggers! :
ASMR Fast & Aggressive Tapping :
Instagram: or
Business Inquiries:
| Tip Jar |
Cash app: