It is basically difficult to diagnose asthma in children below 5 yrs. Even viral infections have similar symptoms as asthma. Already airways in children are very narrow so infections cause further inflammation. Attacks are more than three in a year it is more likely to be asthma or allergy. Family history is strong point when diagnose asthma. If parents have asthma more the chances of asthma. Lung function test need to be performed to find asthma. But it is difficult in children below 6 yrs.
Children who have a family history of asthma are more prone to asthma, there are few steps to prevent asthma. First one is breast feed, it will decrease the chances of asthma. Children who are not fed from mother are recommended to give hydrolyzed infant feed formula rather than cow milk. Introduction of supplementary feeds should be delayed 4 to 6 months. Prevention or exposure to allergens is important.
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