So when the pellets have run out or you're starting your first grill, there are no pellets lined up in the auger to be fed to the ignitor which starts your fire.
When the grill starts, it runs the auger and igniter for 4 minutes straight no matter what.
If the pellets don't reach the ignitor in time, no fire will start :(
Make SURE you PRIME by holding down the prime button until you hear pellets drop into the fire pot, or see smoke. You will hear the trickling, like dropping a penny into a soda can.
As for the P Setting...
P4 = Default
If it were the middle of the unforgiving Alaskan winter, (which a Pit Boss will still run in) you would want to try a P Setting of 0 to counter the naturally frigid winter air and outside temperatures.
On the other hand, if you were cooking in the Sahara dessert, your grill might already by 200 degrees inside from the stifling dessert sun.