
Is QAnons War Drummer Promoting Shady Websites and Well Known Gimmicks in his Descriptions?

Is QAnons War Drummer Promoting Shady Websites and Well Known Gimmicks in his Descriptions? Be aware of the 'small print'. A little history and information on the age-old "Freedom Checks". ***not financial or investment advice***. The viewer is suggested to seek Professional and Legal advice in making their own financial and investment decisions, and not solely by the contents of this video. Ultimately it is their decision whether to move forward or not.

A real patriot would be more than willing to help his fellow Americans, but these “U.S. Freedom Checks” are 'cloaked' to look like something from the US Government, or that every American is entitled to a chunk of money the Government has alotted for us. Being the history of this 'gimmick', that is certainly not the truth. This very controversial subject has been of interest for YEARS!

people must be careful when looking at what these 'it looks to good to be true' kind of things, and seek Professional and Legal advice.

this QAnon Cult is pushing to extremes, trying to get as many followers as they can, before the ship eventually sinks to the bottom of the 'ocean'. QAnon posts on 8chan, which happens to be a most VILE SITE that depicts children doing ADULT THINGS.

as far as The Deacon(War Drummer) mod is concerned... i was harassed with extremely long senseless rants that was nothing short of pure harassment and lies. she says i supported QAnon, when the FACT IS, the very second i seen 4chan and 8chan was associated, i immediately marked it in my head as pure and utter ridiculous bullshit... and for those wondering how long that was before i noticed??? the very first post! so her harassing me about this was totally unfounded. she completely misinterpreted my 'Patriotism" as support for Q(QAnon), in which is TOTALLY FALSE. i would never support something i had seen as a SCAM or a LARP(as many call it).

i record nearly everything... especially things such as harassment and abuse, to not only me.. but of others as well.

just a note: RedPill78 channel(as well as many others) has used (almost word for word) this very opening description on some of his videos. re: "$270 billion windfall"

What are those “U.S. Freedom Checks” being teased by Matt Badiali?

By Travis Johnson, Stock Gumshoe, March 14, 2018

*post production correction*
@4:46 it should read "links... associated" and not "there was also 3rd-party websites"... meaning: links from the website itself, and not necessarily 3rd-party affiliations.


Is Qanon Funded by Cryptocurrency The April LaJune Story by sIXXIs Designs

sIXXIs Designs - Published on Jan 16, 2019

Qanon's War Drummer and his past by sIXXIs Designs

sIXXIs Designs - Published on Jan 17, 2019

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*the opinions expressed across the entire duration of the video release, are purely opinion, and should not be taken as anything other than opinion. people have the free-will to produce their own opinions on such matters. in no way is sIXXIs Designs suggesting anyone, anywhere, should do anything other than what they feel is the right thing to do. you are your own person, be it!
#sixxisdesigns #QAnonCult #freedomchecks

sixxisdesigns,@sixxisdesigns,#sixxisdesigns,qanon,#qanon,#QCult,qanon cult,q cult,war drummer,the deacon,war drummer youtube,the deacon youtube,investment gimmicks,links in description,freedom checks,#qanoncult,qanon 8chan,8chan qanon,8chan,4chan,qanon 4chan,4chan qanon,qanon posts 8chan,investment scams,qanon posts and drops,stormisuponus,the storm,calm before the storm,U.S. Freedom Checks,superpowerchecks,super power checks,April LaJune,Matt Badiali,

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