So as we all know by now how big of a fan i am of potatoes, that's why you see a tasty potato snack recipe on this channel every now and then. so today's recipe is also a potato snack recipe which i call potato wrap recipe. i love making potato dishes, and aloo is the most loved indian vegetable. if you looking for easy potato recipes you are at the right channel across youtube :p potato snacks are my speciality and cooking potatoes is my passion lol. if you fan of vegan potato recipes then smash that subscribe button and the bell icon to know all the possible ways to cook potatoes :D
Ingredients of Potato Wraps
Potatoes ( आलू ) - 4
Rice Flour ( चावल का आटा ) - 3 spoons
All purpose flour ( मैदा ) - 2 cups
Yeast ( खमीर ) - 2 spoons
Salt ( नमक ) - 1 spoon
Sugar ( चीनी ) - 1 + 1/2 spoon
Ginger garlic paste ( लहसुन अदरक की पेस्ट ) - 1 spoon
Red chilli powder ( लाल मिर्ची पाउडर ) - 1/4 spoon
Amchur ( अमचूर ) - 1/3 spoon
Coriander powder ( धनिया पाउडर ) - 1/3 spoon
Capsicum ( शिमला मिर्च ) - 1
Onion ( प्याज़ ) - 1
Green chilli ( हरी मिर्ची ) - 1
Kitchen king masala ( किचन किंग मसाला ) - 1/2 spoon
Desi ghee ( देसी घी ) - as required
#potatoes #PotatoWrap #aloo