
Top Cheeses to Eat on Keto (and avoid)

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Top Cheeses to Eat on Keto (and which to avoid) - Thomas DeLauer


Blue Cheese
Calories: 100
Protein: 6 grams
Fat: 8 grams
Carbs: 1 gram
Sodium: 380 mg
Calcium: 33% of the RDI

Study - Medical Hypotheses

Found that metabolites produced by Penicillium roqueforti, andrastins A-D and roquefortine, have the ability to inhibit bacterial growth and reduce inflammation by increasing Peritoneal macrophages

Peritoneal macrophages are the macrophages that reside in the peritoneal cavity, a fluid-filled space located between the wall of the abdomen and the organs found in the abdomen

In the absence of peritoneal infection or inflammation, peritoneal macrophages are thought to have anti-inflammatory functions.

Feta Cheese

Calories: 80
Protein: 6 grams
Fat: 5 grams
Carbs: 1 gram
Sodium: 370 mg
Calcium: 10% of the RDI

Feta, like all full-fat dairy, provides conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is associated with reduced body fat and improved body composition

Artificial man-made trans fatty acids may not be healthy for humans, CLA, however, is a naturally occurring trans fatty acid, and is exempted from the labeling requirement because it is not considered to be harmful

One specific CLA isomer, 10E,12Z-CLA, has been associated with health benefits, such as reduced adiposity - impairs lipid storage in adipose tissue by altering the lipid metabolism of white adipocytes

10E,12Z-CLA reduces triglyceride storage due to enhanced fatty acid oxidation and lipolysis

a review paper that pooled the data from 18 controlled trials found that given at a dose of 3.2 g/d, CLA produces a modest loss in body fat in humans - can cause an average fat loss of about 0.1 kilograms per week, or 0.2 pounds per week, for about 6 months

Goat Cheese

Calories: 75
Protein: 5 grams
Fat: 6 grams
Carbs: 0 grams
Sodium: 130 mg — 6% of the RDI
Calcium: 4% of the RDI

Goat cheese, also known as chèvre, is a tangy, soft cheese made from goat’s milk

Goat’s milk has more medium-chain fatty acids than cow’s milk, which are rapidly absorbed in your body and less likely to be stored as fat

Furthermore, goat cheese may be easier for some people to digest than cheese made from cow’s milk. This may be because goat’s milk is lower in lactose and contains different proteins.

In particular, goat cheese contains A2 casein, which may be less inflammatory and less likely to cause digestive discomfort than the

A1 casein found in cow’s milk

Calories: 85
Protein: 6 grams
Fat: 6 grams
Carbs: 1 gram
Sodium: 176 mg — 7% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Calcium: 14% of the RDI

Mozzarella is a soft, white cheese with high moisture content. It originated in Italy and is usually made from Italian buffalo or cow’s milk.

Mozzarella also contains bacteria that act as probiotics, including strains of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus fermentum


Calories: 111
Protein: 8 grams
Fat: 9 grams
Carbs: less than 1 gram
Sodium: 53 mg
Calcium: 25% of the RDI

Swiss cheese hosts various compounds that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)

ACE narrows blood vessels and raises blood pressure in your body - so compounds that stifle it may help lower blood pressure

isoleucine-proline-proline (IPP) and valine-proline-proline (VPP), which can relax your blood vessels to lower your BP


Calories: 110
Protein: 10 grams
Fat: 7 grams
Carbs: 3 grams
Sodium: 330 mg — 14% of the RDI
Calcium: 34% of the RDI

Ture parmesan made in Italy uses farm-fresh milk from cows that have never been fed silage (dried animal feed), which is very different from the processed parmesan you find in a plastic shaker

Since it’s aged for a long time, Parmesan is very low in lactose and can usually be tolerated by most people who have lactose intolerance

Cottage Cheese

Calories: 120
Protein: 12 grams
Fat: 7 grams
Carbs: 3 grams
Sodium: 500 mg
Calcium: 10% of the RDI

Cottage cheese is made by adding an acid to pasteurized milk which causes a separation of the milk solids from the whey

It’s benefit is that it’s high in protein, but has a higher casein content than you'd get in milk


Processed “Cheeses”

Types of processed cheeses:

The FDA has regulations on what is considered a cheese and what is not

Anything that’s processed cannot legally be sold as ‘cheese,’ and is marketed instead as a cheese product’—meaning it contains less than 51% cheese.”

FDA labeling guidelines so that you can gain insight into what you might be eating:

· Pasteurized process cheese — contains 100% cheese
· Pasteurized process cheese food — contains at least 51% cheese
· Pasteurized process cheese product — contains less than 51% cheese

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