See today's questions below:
1) Have you ever noticed bees having trouble keeping track of sugar syrup without volatile additives such as essential oils?
2) I live in North Eastern Michigan, is it too late to split a double brood 8 frame hive doing a walk away split?
3) Are thermal treatment methods for Varroa Mites Effective?
4) Will you show us how to make the Hive Visors?
5) Could you please discuss back-filling vs what a normal frame of brood adjacent to food stores looks like? What are the bees trying to do when back-filling?
6) How do you stop robbing on newly made splits/nucleus hives - From Ireland.
THERMAL MITE KILLERS - most thermal systems increase hive temperatures to 106 deg f and higher for periods longer than 30 minutes, some recommend 160 minutes per application. Dr Thomas Seeley's research has indicated that "temperatures above 99 deg f "disrupts larval metamorphosis". Therefore, this is not a method I'm personally willing to test on my own colonies. My mind is open on the subject. Please feel free to post links to real science.
Read about Better-Bee new synthetic drawn comb inserts- (I have no affiliation with BetterBee and have not been compensated)
Beesmart Design Robbing Screen and Mouse Guard combo:
Don't want to pull honey supers and would rather drain honey on the spot? What do FlowHives Cost? Find REAL FlowHives here:(50 dollar discount link)
Acorn - Heavy Waxed Food Grade One Piece Frames: My Bees choose these!
Have questions for FAQ 26? Please post them in the comments section. Thank YOU for watching and contributing!
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