
Beginner Beekeeping Frequently Asked Questions 25 How to Keep and Manage Honey Bees Small Scale

Beginner Beekeeping Frequently Asked Questions 25 How to Keep and Manage Honey Bees Small Scale For beginning backyard beekeeping enthusiasts, welcome to episode 25 of how to keep your honey bees.

See today's questions below:

1) Have you ever noticed bees having trouble keeping track of sugar syrup without volatile additives such as essential oils?

2) I live in North Eastern Michigan, is it too late to split a double brood 8 frame hive doing a walk away split?

3) Are thermal treatment methods for Varroa Mites Effective?

4) Will you show us how to make the Hive Visors?

5) Could you please discuss back-filling vs what a normal frame of brood adjacent to food stores looks like? What are the bees trying to do when back-filling?

6) How do you stop robbing on newly made splits/nucleus hives - From Ireland.

THERMAL MITE KILLERS - most thermal systems increase hive temperatures to 106 deg f and higher for periods longer than 30 minutes, some recommend 160 minutes per application. Dr Thomas Seeley's research has indicated that "temperatures above 99 deg f "disrupts larval metamorphosis". Therefore, this is not a method I'm personally willing to test on my own colonies. My mind is open on the subject. Please feel free to post links to real science.

Read about Better-Bee new synthetic drawn comb inserts- (I have no affiliation with BetterBee and have not been compensated)

Beesmart Design Robbing Screen and Mouse Guard combo:

Don't want to pull honey supers and would rather drain honey on the spot? What do FlowHives Cost? Find REAL FlowHives here:(50 dollar discount link)

Acorn - Heavy Waxed Food Grade One Piece Frames: My Bees choose these!

Have questions for FAQ 26? Please post them in the comments section. Thank YOU for watching and contributing!

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Beginner beekeeping,robbing screen,hive visor,how to keep bees,honeybee,backyard,education,heat treatment,hive equipment,beehive,cooling bees,shaded hive,landing board,entrance reducer,mouse guard,

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