The Bitcoin Operations Technology Group (Optech) works to bring the best open source technologies and techniques to Bitcoin-using businesses in order to lower costs and improve customer experiences. An initial focus for the group is working with its member organizations to reduce transaction sizes and minimize the effect of subsequent transaction fee increases. We provide workshops, documentation, weekly newsletters, original research, case studies and announcements, and help facilitate improved relations between businesses and the open source community.
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# Technicals:
Bitcoin to the Max:
Bitcoin Only:
Open Source Everything:
Bitcoin-Dev Mailing List:
# Economics:
Read Rothbard ~ Use Bitcoin:
Anarchy in Money:
Lightning Network Multi Signatures:
# Tools:
Nodl Personal Bitcoin Assistant:
Bisq Decentralized Exchange:
ColdCard Wallet:
GPG + Yubikey:
# Readings:
Bitcoin Op Tech Newsletter:
The Ethics of Money Production:
What Has Government Done to Our Money? By Murray Rothbard:
# Conferences:
Breaking Bitcoin 2019:
Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis 2018:
Baltic Honeybadger 2018:
Understanding Bitcoin 2019:
Mises University:
Hayek Summer Workshop: