
First test of "PoolShot Video System" (PVS) for leisure and learning Pool & Billiards

First test of First test of "PoolShot Video System".
Ideal for leisure practices, learning, teaching and playing new games of Pool & billiards. Perfect to give Pool lesson or perform training drills.
Setting up accurate and fast exercises. Practice and training are more fun. Players and spectators can better appreciate the quality and success of the shots.
The "PoolShot Video System" consists of a video projector controlled by a smartphone or tablet under Android.
The Android application is developed by Michel Le Neillon "" and will soon be available for free trial download (scheduled for September 2019).
Ideal for the practice of leisure and learning billiards.
Drills setup quick and accurate. Practice and training are more fun. Players and spectators can better appreciate the quality and success of the shots.
This system does not have artificial intelligence like the ARPool system from
Des séances de présentation du "PoolShot Video System" sont organisées à la salle de Billard Double Jeux Portet à côté de Toulouse, France.
Initiation au billard, leçon de Billard Blackball (8 Pool - British Pool - UK Pool) et animations "PoolShot Challenge" avec le P.V.S. seront mises en place à partir de septembre 2019.
L'encadrement est assuré par des animateurs et instructeurs diplomés de la Fédération Française de Billard (FFB). Toujours un prof de billard à votre disposition.
Renseignements et inscriptions :

billiard,billard,pool,blackball,snooker,9-Ball,8-Ball,10-Ball,Straight Pool,One Pocket,Drill,Lesson,Training,Trickshot,Digicue,stroke,cue,shaft,tip,aiming,shooting,carom,carambole,

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