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Teams: FURIA Vs. Spirit (ESEA Season 31 Global Challenge)
Results: 2 - 0
Nuke - 16-10 (9-6; 7-4)
Vertigo - 16-5 (13-2; 3-3)
Best of 3 (LAN)
Grand final
Plays & Timestamps:
KSCERATO 1vs2 clutch (T post-plant situation) - 00:00
guerri ACE - 00:30
somedieyoung 1vs2 clutch (CT post-plant situation) - 01:30
VINI 3 SG556 kills (2 HS) on the bombsite B offensive (initial 2vs3 situation including 1vs1 pre-plant clutch) to set FURIA on tournament point - 02:03
HLTV Match Page:
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