
In Every Point of View That's Held Sincerely

In Every Point of View That's Held Sincerely An Independence Day poem about the need to embrace opposing truths through love:

In every point of view that’s held sincerely,
Not intended for manipulation,
Decent folks just speaking from the heart,
Each selfish, selfless, idealistic cynic
Pursues a radiant, iridescent truth.
Embrace them all, ingenuously and dearly,
Nor deem one truth not worth consideration
Despite your own perhaps dissenting part.
Each voice adds to the beauty of Earth’s music,
Nor does a vivid counterpoint need proof.
Clearly there is hatred, yes, quite clearly,
Eluding reason, fact, faith, love, relation,
Damning all belief, truth, passion, art,
A scourge that turns the sweetest truth acidic.
Yet love puts all truths under one large roof.

© by Nicholas Gordon

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Audio and Video Music: Heart Strings. By Coyote Hearing. Music free to use at YouTube.

poems,poetry,independence day,july 4th,philosophy,philosophical poems,

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