Laundry Room Cabinets | Part 1 | PAINT
A laundry room makeover or laundry room remodel can quickly be achieved by painting the existing cabinets. With proper prep and pre-planning, the project can be kept affordable and each stage can be completed quickly. In this first video of our laundry room makeover/remodel, I show you how to remodel a laundry room by painting the cabinets. If a total room remodel is out of the question, consider this video a laundry room cabinet makeover. We have rather large laundry room cabinets (approx. 7 feet of cabinets space) and the existing cabinet paint was awful. So, with a go-to cabinet paint color we decided on an affordable laundry room makeover. Make sure you subscribe to see each phase of the project...and watch until the end of the video for a sneak peek of the major game changer for this drab space!
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