In this lesson we will cover:
1. review of lesson 1 (1:15)
2. A new Haraka 'Tanween', (2:13)
3. Pronunciation of Arabic, (4:45)
4. How to syllabify a word, (5:06)
5. Definite and indefinite words, (11:26)
6. Sun and moon letters (13:27)
For beginners, please try to watch the lesson in sessions making use of its main contents.
If you have any questions please don't hesistate to ask. I wish you an enjoyable and beneficial time with the lesson.
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Lesson 1:
#LearnArabic #Syllabification #tanween #definitiveArticle #Arabic#Language #italiki #English #harakat #pronunciation #lesson #Zainab #Jaafar #jafar