
Prolonged Fasting Science & Insulin Resistance Post-Fast

Prolonged Fasting Science & Insulin Resistance Post-Fast We're reviewing an old but great paper that discusses fasting physiology!

This paper from 1982 has helped me better understand the physiology of fasting and why breaking the fast with protein and fat (not carbs) is KEY!

➢ Best Fasting Paper EVER!

➢ Success with OMAD eBook + Course:

➢ Best Grassfed Whey Protein:

➢ Berberine to support your fast:

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------------------------------------- VIDEO GEAR & TOOLS-----------------------------------------------

Gravity Blanket (use code HIH10 to save):

A Metabolism Book Should Have:

Best iPhone Stabilizer:

Vlog Cam Canon M50:

Sony Vlog Cam:

Interview Cam C100 ii:

Best Lens Ever:

Vlog lens: Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS:

Good Audio: Rode VMPRPLUS Videomic Pro:

-------------------------------------- Key Timestamps----------------------------------

Coming soon...

Prolonged Fasting,intermittent fasting,Fasting,Insulin,Breaking a Fast,

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