Mike returns with the blood tests and results from his two months of low-carb but not TOO low of carb (100g/day NET) to see what happens to triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HbA1c, Fasting Insulin, and more.
Using 100g carbohydrates per day (usually around AM workouts), I was able to make the following lipid and metabolic changes:
⬇Triglycerides: 41 (down from 46 and 66)
⬇HDL: 56 (down from 66 and 59)
⬇LDL: 125 (down from 205 and 193)
⬇Total Cholesterol: 193 (down from 280 and 269)
⬇Non HDL: 69 (down from 214 and 210)
⬇HbA1c: 5.2 (back down from 5.4 and 5.2)
⬇Insulin: 2.2 (down from 3.0)
Worth it? We discuss.
Detailed Blood Work:
The debate will be if this 39% drop in LDL is worth the 15% drop in HDL.
It's too tough to know, but at this point I think we can agree that cycling carbs in at times like this (there are other strategies to make this work on low carb), I'm in a very low risk cardiovascular disease category, especially since it's HYPERINSULINEMIA combined with inflammation that's causing the real problems out there.
This brings me closer to the idea of naturally bulking for the winter with carbs and fats during the fall, then going fatty carnivore during the winter, and low-fat carnivore in the spring.
Full post below:
Other videos/articles referenced:
* The Original Bloodwork / Research:
* Oral Glucose Tolerance Test after Near-Carnivore:
* Oral Glucose Tolerance Test after 100g Carbs/Day:
* OMAD Blood Sugar Reset Experiment:
* Oatmeal and Bananas is Child Abuse:
* Using Protein to Blunt the Oatmeal and Bananas Abuse:
Save with PRICEPLOW on Grass-Fed Beef: