
Wild animals and their young are transformed into farm animals at the source

Wild animals and their young are transformed into farm animals at the source #bisutoys #learncolors #zooanimals #wildanimals #animalnames

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We love animals and kids toys! In our channel you will see a lots of videos about different sea animals which can help kids learn sea animal names and colors of the different sea creatures we come across!!
My collection have Wild animal,zoo animal, sea animal, insect and farm animal.

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+ Wild animal and zoo animal as Bear, buffalo, Bat, Crocodile, Centipede, Deer, Eagle, Elephant, Grasshopper, Gazelle, Giraffe, Goat, Gorilla, Hippo, Hyena, Kangaroo, Lizard, Lion, Lobster, Mantis, Monkey, Mouse, owl, Penguin, Porcupine, Pelican, parrot, Rhino, Reindeer, rabbit, Spider, Scorpion, Turtle, Tiger, Zebra
+ Sea animal as sharks, dolphins, whales, starfish, octopus, fish, crabs, lobsters, stingrays, jellyfish and much more!
+ Farm animal: Cat, Chicken, Cow, Duck, Goose, Horse, Pig, Horse, goat, buffalo, dog..
+ Insect: Ant, Beetles, Butterfly, Bee, cockroach, Centipede, Dragonfly, Frog, Grasshopper, LadyBug, Lizard, Mantis, Spider, Scorpion, Worm, caterpillar...

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