As a nationally-recognized Gynecologist, Urogynecologist, Cosmetic Gynecologist, and Robotic Surgeon, Dr. Christopher Walker has been paving the way for innovative medical treatments in the Central Florida area. In 2017, he founded Beja Body as a full-service medical spa in Orlando, with a centrally-located office in the Downtown Area based on the demands of his patients.
Dr. Christopher Walker created Beja Body as a practice where we could contribute to the wellbeing of clients who seek to evolve into a better version of themselves. Above all, this client-centric approach is a labor of love for Dr. Walker, whose passion for client satisfaction is paramount in every treatment offered at Beja Body—Orlando’s premier medical spa.
Mentored and trained by a world-renowned vaginal surgeon earlier in his career, Dr. Christopher Walker has had the honor of acquiring a distinct and highly effective set of surgical skills that deliver effective treatment. Many of these techniques have become a guiding light for the development of Beja Body as a world-class medical spa in Orlando.
In this video, Dr. Christopher Walker shares what's new at Beja Body, Downtown Orlando's premier Med Spa, specializing in a variety of aesthetic treatments and sexual medicine that can help you feel and look your best.
Beja Body specializes in cosmetic surgery such a liposuction, breast implants, mommy makeovers and sexual enhancements such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, ThermiVA and much more. Call us for a free consultation at 407-499-8983 or visit our website at www.bejabody.com to learn more.