
Chatterlings! We discuss a little Chris Watts, Fukushima, Delphi, Flora Fire, and Ice Age!

Chatterlings! We discuss a little Chris Watts, Fukushima, Delphi, Flora Fire, and Ice Age! We all agree we must cut down on the amount of plastic trash we generate! One way is to buy in bulk or items in glass. We discuss the possibility of REFILLING our pill bottle for medication we have filled monthly. It is silly to get 12 plastic bottles over the course of a year rather than refilling the same bottle. Alabama has begun this practice. LOBBY YOUR PHARMACY FOR A REFILL BOTTLE POLICY.

Later today I will discuss Chris Watts Groupies and the Flora Fire's Dennis Randall

Chatterlings,delphi murders,Flora fire,dennis randall,carroll county,fukushima radiation,ice age,solar minimum 2019,climate change 2019,Nick Zentner,고양이,

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