New choco merch is in! Visit and be the envy of your friends!
I hope you like ice cream, cuz you're going to get mouthfuls of it in this game with Halifax on the #Vikendi night map. It's all the nice boys want to talk about while they run around Villa killing badmans with a variety of weapons, including a shotgun, the UZI, and an AK. But when our heroes have to head for the easterly zone, poop hits the fan. They find a boat! They beach the boat! They blow the boat up! choco gets knocked not once, not twice, but three times! And the ending has it all: a snow bike, M24 snipes, friendship, a factory for cement! But the denouement is inevitable: instead of ice cream, our heroes get mouthfuls of chicken dinner. #PUBG
You can go to the Twitch VOD and see the full game here: , or see choco stream LIVE at
Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from
Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco,