My best friend introduced me to a new friend and at the first look, he looked like a very confident and funny kid in my class when I was a lot younger? But I don’t know that person, I just met him. We talked for a while and after he left, I was sure that he’s a confident and funny person as well.
So I asked my friend and then he said that person was actually very nervous to talk to me. He was sweating and fidgeting a lot which were signs of anxiety.
What? Why didn’t I see that? I was talking to that person and he seemed to have confidence. Where did I go wrong? How did I miss that?
Now What do I believe? My Instincts or My Best Friend’s Words
self development,personal development,better,relationship,friendship,tedtalk,tedx,confidence,perception,belief,motivation,improve,observation,pygmalion effect,achieve,success,first impression,personality,pick up,charisma on command,self esteem,charlie houpert,how to,how to succeed in life,how to attract women,how to attract girls in high school,how to attract girls,how to attract men,art of attraction,believe in yourself motivation,communication skills,