
How To Handle Colds Leads, Warm Leads and Hot Leads!

How To Handle Colds Leads, Warm Leads and Hot Leads! My Lead Gen Secrets for 100 Leads per day! -
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How To Handle Colds Leads, Warm Leads and Hot Leads!

What is the difference in leads?

1) Cold Leads - Paid for or given to you that you have not have direct engagement with. possibly leads acquired form events, phone call, misc advertisment

2) Warm Leads - People you have had some engagement with or from previous business contacts

3) Hot Leads - Organic leads reaching out to you directly from content marketing or social media interactions.

Learn how to work with each style of lead. Cold leads are going to be your lowest % of conversions but help to keep the sales funnel full and grinding out opportunities on a daily basis.

Warm Leads are generally curiosity leads and are best handled with live chats or direct invites to the next presentation / webinar. IE: Set the appointment

Hot Leads need to be followed up with immediately if at all possible. Get them to the sales page or over to your closer ( Up-line Three way call). Once they are in do not leave them floundering at the well.. Get them directly into your next training step and get them active in the process. Keep them moving forward because If you sit on them they will go buy from somebody else.

How To Handle Colds Leads,Warm Leads and Hot Leads!,

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