
Madness multiplied: An Original Song

Madness multiplied: An Original Song Hey, youtube, I am back with another original song and poem which I wrote on the ukulele. This one is all about a woman finding herself split between two dimensions in the pursuit of happiness and the consequences of her pursuit of fantasy. Enjoy the poem down below!

Something's not quite right...
I'm awake, just but
I feel as though I am
seeing clearly for the
first time in a long time.

The fog has lifted,
the grogginess slowly marches
up and around inside my head,
straight out of my ear.
My lenses shine clear ,
like glass orbs,
the periscopes inside,
focused and driven. But
where am I?

I slowly take in my treacherous territory,
cocking my head at the slightest sound,
as if I am none but a blind beast,
barred and silenced.
my mind screams, one after another,
only getting louder. I don't know where I am but I do know that it's

beautiful. Unequivocally,
undeniably beautiful.
The deep green vine simmers through the stone walls of the
schöne Schlosse, like a jungle snake,
an embedded beauty. The endless tones outside my window,
the peaceful whistling of trees,
chanting 'we're happy, we're happy, we're' oh

no. Something's wrong.

A breeze of otherness picks up sending an
unnerving chill down my spine. The sun kissed sea in the sky
corrupts into an unearthly deep maroon,
as if the sky itself drips with the blood of the devil.
The trees wilt and die, sinking into the ground
that is now nothing but burnt, black soil.

In the place of the trees grow hedges;
thick unyielding hedges as tall as a giant's babe
form a maze of complexity;
impossible for all;
inescapable by all.

Alien noises announce themselves behind me.
I see nothing but flashes of light,
bouncing off of the decaying brick walls. The
light grows and burns until it is nothing but blinding.
This new phenomenon reduces me to nothing
but impossibly human.

Human hands latch onto me, around my chest and mouth,
a suffocating seat belt built on dissatisfaction. They
drag me through the blinding light
as a great force of air escapes me.

I am awake again.
I could've sworn I was already awake.

The kingdom is gone;
the intricate stone walls
now just plain white walls;
the light of the day now replaced with
a dull, grey glow.
I face the window but see nothing but white;
only a plain, white landscape,
an eternal void,
impossible for all,
inescapable by all. Oh

god. I can't move. Worn leather
straps bind me to a chair, still
everything so unyielding.
Insane Asylum: Inmate No. 24091955 it reads.

They believe me to be mad.
They think they can contain the madness.
That my pursuit is purely a multitude of madness but
I pursue nothing but

Original music,Ukulele,Poetry,Fantasy,Magical realism,Pursuit of happiness,

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