
The CEO of Fausz Business Software (FBS) is concerned with the increas

The CEO of Fausz Business Software (FBS) is concerned with the increas The CEO of Fausz Business Software (FBS) is concerned with the increasing number of projects being executed within the company. She has tasked her senior executives to find a way to standardize how projects are planned, executed, controlled and completed within the company without creating more work for the Project and Program Managers. The Chief Software Architect of the company has reviewed commercial products against the requirements for a “make or buy” analysis and has decided that it would be more cost effective for the company to design its own PM software. (1) List stakeholders for this project and discuss how you would elicit software requirements from them, including specific questions that you may want to ask specific stakeholders. While formulating questions, keep in mind that the PM will eventually have to validate these requirements. (2) The CEO assigned a chief engineer to the project, who has estimated that the project will take 8 man-months to complete based on anecdotal evidence, apparently involving “Murphy’s law”. The CEO, however, has indicated a desire to have the software up and running in 5 man-months, if possible. On the other hand, at the “make or buy” decision review, the Chief Software Architect reported in his research that projects to develop custom PM software typically take 6.5 man-months. The CEO asks you for a quick estimate of how long the project will take, though you have three very different project duration numbers to work with. What would you provide to the CEO as an estimate of project duration and what evidence would you provide to support it? (3) After an extensive cost-benefit analysis, the CFO of the company has determined that the expected ROI for the software will support a maximum budget total of $600,000. In the mean-time, the chief engineer of the project has identified the following functional capabilities, with estimates of the number of Scrum sprint points it will take to complete each, based on historical data and


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