
Transforming Relationship Karma: Utilize Siddha Teachings

Transforming Relationship Karma: Utilize Siddha Teachings Namaste Divine Beings! From birth to death we are wrapped in karmic imprints- especially that of relationships. Transform & resolve relationships.
Our karmic imprints magnifies itself in relationships we are in bringing out the best or the worst in each of us
and with whom we are related to.
To resolve our relations of the past and current helps us activate our higher vibrations.
Utilize the Tree to resolve relationships understanding that just the way the tree transforms our exhale of carbon di oxide to oxygen, it converts our karma to dharma.

Now for the teachings of Mastery of Consciousness.
Utilize our Siddha yogic method to transform every relationship- that of harmony, peace, understanding, forgiveness & being forgiven.
Sadhana, practice:
- Choose a Tree that feels aligned in our heart as our Mother.
- Ensure you can walk around this Tree.
- Recite the mantra AUM ARI AUM [ Recite AUM as OM]
- Start walking with our breath awareness of our feet and feeling our root chakra connect with the roots of the tree.
- Connect to the specific relationship or all of humanity from the heart chakra.
- Seek to be forgiven in this life and all past lives with the emotions of 'sorry'.
- Seek to forgive anyone or any circumstance of the past and let go.
- Feel and receive the grace of transformation of relations as the breath of One with the Tree.
- Express gratefulness to Source, through the Tree with each breath.
- Bring our two palms together in Namaste and wish all Beings love and blessings of light!
- Touch or hug the Tree and express gratefulness of Oneness!

In joy, in gace, in love- BE

Mastery of Consciousness

Music:Turiya Nada- Invoke the Masters
Track- Vasi

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