
Why Being Out Of Your Mind Is Necessary

Why Being Out Of Your Mind Is Necessary In order to do the necessary energy work required on this journey, you must first be OUT OF YOUR MIND. There are important necessary things that need to be done in order to advance along your twin flame journey and have a physical relationship with your twin flame, should you choose to do so. You need to begin by getting out of your mind. When you are out of your mind you aren’t caught up in your thoughts. Every belief in our thoughts, good or bad, determine our feelings. When we are out of our thoughts, we can look at our feelings from a birds eye view. This helps you to stop judging your thoughts. It’s really about perspective and the way you look at things. There is no good or bad, everything just simply IS. Things are exactly the way they are meant to be every moment in this universe. When you are out of your mind, you are in the present moment. What that means is your fear-based energy can not exist. The present moment is just about the soul, which is love. It’s knowing and being receptive to the fact that everything is exactly as its meant to be, PERFECT.

There are a few spaces left, in my Magnetize Your Twin Flame Program starting a week from today. Don’t miss your opportunity to finally learn the ONLY way to be with your twin flame for good. Schedule your free 1-on-1 Clarity Consultation here:

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