
A Daily Prayer: My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge

A Daily Prayer: My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge Good morning my Father, God of all, holy one of Israel and of all who love You, holy is Your Name. I come in the gracious and loving name of my Lord Jesus Christ, to seek Your face, and grace for me today. Please give me understanding this morning that I may grow is wisdom in Your words of life to us. Thank You in the name of Jesus, Amen.​

Father this is pure truth, that we are destroyed for lack of knowledge, of understanding the truth. And the worst part is it is our own faults, not Yours at all. If I don't know the things I need to know to walk in faith and grow in wisdom it is because I myself have not cared to look and study Your words of life to us. I know this and I feel the conviction that I could do more to get Your word into my heart daily than I have. I think I make the mistake of thinking one day I will have more time to study more, when I will probably use that time on something else again. Lord, I am weak natured and a little lazy, I confess. I could use more self discipline I know. Please Holy Spirit, help me and guide my heart an soul into more diligent and obedient walk with You.

How do we as a people reject knowledge? We ignore what we know to do. We know the good we should do but we do not do it. We should not do many things, yet we do them anyway. I can think of many things that we are not to do, that is plain in this word yet we do them. The Ten Commandments for example, we may not do some, but we do others of those commandments and make excuses why we do them. Such as honoring our parents for example; Keeping the Sabbath holy unto You, and on and on and we wonder why things do not go right for us as we expect. And that in Your word it explains that the tithe is Yours and it is blessed and holy, it is Yours, the other 90% is ours. But if we take Yours the rest is cursed. We tithe and the 90% is blessed and increases. But we take what is Yours, and it is then all under a curse as stolen. Lord, I believe this is true. I believe it is true that when we give it shall be given back to us pressed down and running over.

Lord, we can and do set our hearts on iniquities, our lusts, our desires, our wills and wants for sure. The things that occupy our thoughts and time. We want what we want and we do not want to wait for it. Look at how we use credit in this nation, look at the debt our nation is in alone! Not to mention, but I am ,our individual debts, which we fall into then we have not enough to pay tithe. I know how bad I was for way to long with credit cards, Father. Thank You for helping hubby and I to get out of debt. It was a long and painful process but we finally learned our lesson. Thanks to You and nothing else!

Daily Prayer:,

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