
#AMS19 - Delighting Consumer in th Era of Instant Gratification by Aditya Tedjoprasetya

#AMS19 - Delighting Consumer in th Era of Instant Gratification by Aditya Tedjoprasetya ASEAN Marketing Summit is an annual one-day event that gathers marketeers from Southeast Asian region to provide insights, share ideas, and build networks. Attendees and speakers come from diverse background—business executives, government ofcials, and prominent academics. This year, the theme centers around the increasingly digital, social, and mobile ASEAN consumers and how businesses should take full advantage of the transformation. The event will feature both traditional yet adaptive business players and new emerging digital native players that challenge them. We will also learn about the government perspective on how they leverage the changing face of consumers to engage them and move them forward.

Aditya Tedjoprasetya will present "Delighting Consumer in th Era of Instant Gratification".

Ballroom Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta.
Thursday, 5 Sepetmber 2019.

Fanni: 081319290597

Asean Marketing Summit 2019,AMS19,

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