
DU 9TH Cut Off 2019।।#DU_Admission

DU 9TH Cut Off 2019।।#DU_Admission DU 9TH Cut Off 2019।।

DU Ninth Cutoff 2019 - Delhi University colleges will release the DU 2019 ninth cutoff in online mode. The dates for DU 2019 ninth cutoff will be officially notified soon. The DU 9th cutoff 2019 will be released online by different colleges individually. During the document verification of the DU 2019, ninth cutoff candidates must submit all the relevant documents without fail. Candidates who do not attend the ninth cutoff round will not be entertained later on for the other rounds. After the colleges release the DU ninth cutoff 2019 the university will release a consolidated list containing the cutoff of all the programmes offered in each of the colleges of the university. There are a few factors that the colleges will take into consideration while preparing the cutoff which is mentioned here.University of Delhi admission will be conducted for over 56,000 seats offered in each of the 86 colleges of the University of Delhi . Read more to check the cutoff trends from the previous year and the factors determining the DU 2019 cut off .
a week ago

I think Yes they will release 9th cut off bcoz 8th cut off is higher than 7th ,So some students will not take admission and They will release it next week. This is just prediction so please don't take this seriously! I hope it will release soon

because many of the colleges have closed their seat but students from the same college transferring their admission to other colleges means.. no new admission but some admission has withdrawal seats will get vaccant...and to fulfill this special drive might come .. This is just the prediction.

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