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#pokemon #pokemoninfinitefusion #pokemonfusion
Today we are playing through Pokemon Infinite Fusion! Pokemon Infinite Fusion is a rom hack that allows you to fuse two Pokemon together to make a 'Pokemon Fusion'. This means that there are thousands of combinations and loads of different Pokemon Fusions to try out. Let's take a look at this amazing Pokemon Rom Hack!
If you'd like to donate, you also get to say a rule that I must o bide by when possible!
-Can't Kill Off/Release Another Pokemon
-All Pokemon Will Be Named After Members
-Cannot Make A Rule That Lasts Longer Than The Stream
Play the game here:
Stream Rules:
1.) No swearing or spamming, this is a PG stream so everyone can enjoy.
2.) Do not ask to be a mod, moderators are chosen when I feel like the person is contributing to the stream, and helping it run much smoother.
3.) Be friendly to one another, let's all just enjoy Pokemon!
► Pokemon Sword and Shield -
The new generation 8 games, Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are set in the Galar region , an huge region based on the Uk. The people and Pokémon live together in this region, and they’ve worked together to develop the industries here. You’ll visit the various Gyms in the Galar region, aiming for the enviable and admirable title of Champion!
► Welcome to the HDvee channel! I'm your number one source for all things Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Switch and Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee news! I will have you updated on all the latest and greatest Pokemon information, rumors, leaks guides and tutorials about Pokemon Switch games! So thankyou for watching! Remember to drop a like if you did enjoy as it really helps me out! If you want to see more SUBSCRIBE! Its totally free! and be sure to check out the other playlists too!
Night bot Commands:
Q.) Who is your favorite Pokemon?
A.) Eevee
Q.) Who is your favorite Legendary Pokemon?
A.) Suicune
Q.) Who is your favorite Shiny Pokemon?
A.) Rayquaza
Q.) Do I have the shiny charm?
A.) Nope!
Q.) Who is your least favourite Pokemon?
A.) Wormadam
Background Music From GlitchxCity!
Pokemon Sprites:
Thankyou for watching! Remember to drop a like if you did enjoy as it really helps me out! If you want to see more SUBSCRIBE! Its totally free! and be sure to check out the other playlists too!