
✅ Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe plays down likelihood of €10 hike to carbon tax in Budget - Inde

✅  Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe plays down likelihood of €10 hike to carbon tax in Budget - Inde 💖 Please Visit:
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✍   FINANCE Minister Paschal Donohoe has played down the likelihood a €10 hike to carbon tax in the upcoming budget.  Despite being advised by his own officials that he should start to increase the tax on fossils fuels, Mr Donohoe appears reluctantly to move too quickly.  Last year he failed to add anything to the current rate of €20 per tonne of CO2 following a backlash from rural TDs within his own party.  However, the rise of the Green Party in the local and European elections, as well as the launch of the vernment’s Climate Action Plan, led to expectations that he would add €10 this year.  The vernment is committed to charging at least €80 per tonne by 2030.  Fine Gael TDs discussed the issues at their parliamentary party think-in in Cork today, with Mr Donohoe saying afterwards that he wants to try build a consensus.  He suggested the money collected from carbon taxes should be ring-fenced for projects linked to climate action or else repaid to householders through other means.  “ ...
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