Here's what's essentially happened. Recently during my BJJ training and rolling I've been on the "hunt" for monoplata setups and submissions. And all was going fine for a bit.
Eventually my training partners caught on to what I was doing and began defending the technique and staying away from my grips. Which is frustrating. If I can't get the technique I can't get the grips.
This is where you make or break your deep learning of techniques in Brazilian Jiujitsu.
Now that your training partners or opponent's defend the original option it becomes your job to innovate and develop some new way of setting it up. You have to be creative.
In this video I share how I'm personally going through this process. Hopefully this will give you an idea as to how you might be able to dive deeper into the technique creativity of your own.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.