I know, I know, I always tell the students I mentor or during
my workshops that after the audition, critique it,
celebrate that you had an audition and got through it, then
let it go.
I know but!!!
Still, I spent over 5 hours in the car, paid tolls
pumped a lot of gas in my car for the initial audition. Then,
I had a call-back. This means the casting director, director,
client and those from the ad agency liked my audition and
wanted to see me again. So, for a second time, I spent a lot of time, money and energy for the call back.
Then, I did not book the job. Not only was it a potentially
very lucrative job, but it was also a lot of fun. Very funny
things happening and would have gotten the chance to
play and improvise with other talented actors.
Always Keep This in Mind
There is a huge difference between feeling bad
about a situation and feeling bad about yourself.
That is an easy trap for actors and models to fall into.
I didn't get the booking because I was not the perfect
person for the role. They would not have called me
into the casting director's office a second time unless
they really liked what I did.
So, if you don't book the job, it is OK to feel bad
about not getting the booking. But, assuming you
are a nice person, you are still a nice person.
Don't ever base your self worth on how well
you are doing in the industry.
That is a bad place to be in and will be hard to sustain that type of
emotional roller coaster.
I would love to hear how you deal with not booking a job. Leave your comments below.
Talk soon.
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Aaron Marcus
Acting/Modeling Career Coach
Author: How to Become a Successful Actor and Model
Website: howtoactandmodel.com
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