Kylie Jenner is super sick with flu-like symptoms and actually just had to check into the hospital. We hope she’s ok!
What’s up? It’s Sussan Mourad here with Clevver News and Kylie Jenner is not having her best week.
According to TMZ she has apparently been suffering for days now with an intense illness that actually required her to check into the hospital.
Poor Kylie, that sounds awful.
A source told TMZ that she is experiencing severe flu-like symptoms, which include nausea and dizziness.
It’s being reported that Kylie is receiving the best treatment, but it's still unclear what is actually wrong at this point.
And since Kylie has been bed ridden for days now, she had to miss the Emmy’s the other night with her sisters Kim and Kendall.
Apparently Kylie was supposed to present with her sisters but was way too sick to make the appearance.
Which TBH, might have been a blessing in disguise.
In case you missed it, people can't stop talking about how when Kim and Kendall presented an award, everyone laughed at them.
Kim and Kendall got up on stage to introduce the award for Outstanding Reality TV and very seriously said they're quote "real people" who tell quote "unfiltered and unscripted" stories.
And if you’ve watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians you know that not everything is 100% real. They are known to fake a plot line here and there, so that little bit of the speech made the audience laugh.
Which, in hindsight, I don’t know if I agree with. I mean they were introducing the award for Outstanding Reality TV and no one is more successful in the reality space than the Kardashians… so laugh all you want but they really do rule the space.
Anyway, whether you found it funny or not, Kylie was probably glad that she wasn’t there after seeing all the stories on it after the night.
Though I think I’d rather be laughed at on stage than stuck in the hospital.
But luckily Kylie has hasn’t been alone.
As for Kylie's parents, Kris Jenner is out of the country for work in Paris, but one source told TMZ that Caitlyn Jenner's been at the hospital checking in on Kylie.
Kylie’s bestie Sofia Richie was also there by her side.
Kylie posted to her story from her bed and wrote quote, “Bae came to take care of me @SofiaRichie”
And you can see them snuggled up together in bed holding hands.
P.s. Sofia you might want to stock up on your vitamin intake and be sure to wash your hands - you don’t want to end up with what Kylie has!
Anyway, it’s really sweet to see Sofia and Kylie being there for each other.
Since Kylie Jenner and Jordyn Woods’ friendship came to an end, it seems like Sofia has really stepped up and showed up for Kylie.
In an Instagram montage Kylie shared back in August for her birthday, Sofia revealed that Kylie is her best friend.
SOT - “Kylie, you’re 22 and you’ve always been one year cooler than me. But I love you. You’re my best friend. I don’t know what life would be like without you.”
Sofia also echoed her thoughts about Kylie in the comments section of the video, writing quote, “Love you so much!”
Asset: screenshot
So yeah, it looks like these two are ride or dies… so much so that Sofia is willing to climb into bed with Kylie when she’s sick as a dog.
We just hope Kylie gets better and gets out of the hospital soon!
But I want hear from you guys.
What do you think of Sofia and Kylie’s friendship? While you are down there, share your get well wishes for Kylie in the comments section too.
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