
Meet the Fellows! - The Jijivisha Fellowship Induction 19-20

Meet the Fellows! - The Jijivisha Fellowship Induction 19-20 Each year since its inception, we at Slam Out Loud induct some of the most brilliant minds in the fields of performance and visual arts to be part of our flagship program - The Jijivisha Fellowship. This year, 40 artists from New Delhi became part of the Slam Out Loud family and our vision, passionate about bringing arts to low-income classrooms and using it as a way to build Creative Confidence in children. The Jijivisha Fellowship Induction was a two day intensive training program, committed to sharing SOL's journey and preparing the fellows for the year that is to come.

In Rita Pierson's words, “Every kid needs a champion”. Through our lives, almost all of us have found a champion in a teacher but not all of them have been from school, or university. Our teachers, from all walks of life, have found us, even when we didn’t know we were looking for them. Our Jijivisha cohort of 2019-20 consists of 40 unusual teachers, committed to their art and sharing it, making us all the more hopeful, and confident that this journey has only yet begun.

If you wish to become part of this movement, and enable more teachers to bring their art into classrooms, please consider contributing at the link below.

Video shot and edited by: Raphael Martin
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Music by: Vinayak Pant
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Audio mixed by: Anirudh Varma
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Venue Courtesy - Innov8 Campuses, CP & Saket

Slam Out Loud,Performance Arts,Education,Development,

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