Link for Facebook page-
Link What is Stress and Types of Stress-
Link What is Strain and Types of Strain-
Link What is Modulus of Elasticity or young's modulus-
Link What is Bulk modulus-
Link what is modulus of rigidity-
Link Derivation Deformation of a Body Due to Force Acting on it-
Link Part-1, Numerical Determine the Elongation of the Rod Due to Tensile Force-
Link Part-2, Numerical Find Stress and Deformation of The Hollow Cylinder due to Tensile Force-
Link Part-3, Numerical Find Internal Diameter of The Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Tensile Force-
Link Part-4, Numerical,Find Diameter ,Two Wires Different Materials and Same Length, Same Tension-
Link Derivation Deformation of a Body Due to Self Weight-
Link Part-5, Numerical Deformation of a Body Due to Self Weight-
Link Part-6, Numerical Deformation of a Body Due to Self and External Weight-
Link Part-7, Numerical, Find Deflection When Cross-Section Area Same But No. of Forces Act on a Body-
Link Lect-10, SOM (Unit-Stress and Strain) Numerical-
Link Lect-12, SOM (Unit-Stress and Strain) Numerical -
Link Derivation of Tapered Circular Section-
Link Lect-14, SOM (Unit-Stress and Strain) Numerical on Tapered Circular Section-
Link Numerical on Stress in the bar of Circular composite-
Link Numerical on Stress in the bar of Rectangular composite section-
Link What is Poisson's Ratio and its Derivation-
Link Volumetric Strain of a Rectangular Body Subjected To an Axial Force-
Link Volumetric Strain of a Rectangular Body Subjected to Three Mutually Perpendicular Force-
Link Derivation Relation Between Bulk Modulus and Modulus of Elasticity-
Link Derivation Relation Between Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rigidity-
Link Introduction & Derivation of Thermal stress & strain-
Link Numerical on Thermal stress & strain-
Link Numerical on Thermal stress & strain-