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With the newly-announced Galarian forms revealed for Pokemon Sword and Shield, I thought it would be fun to go over my most anticipated Pokemon for this new exciting form! Ranging from Pokemon from the first generation to Pokemon that are pseudo legendaries, here are my top 10 Pokemon that should get a Galar form! Big shout out to all of the artists who let me use their art, and also who allowed me to commision them for custom-made Pokemon; couldn't of made this video without them! Also, I hope you guys enjoy the video, be sure to subscribe for more like this! And also don't forget to ring the bell so that you will always be notified! Until next time! See ya~!
#Pokemon #Pokemonswordshield #galarianforms
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Music Sources:
Intro Music:
Outro Music:
#10 8-Bit Music:
#9 8-Bit Music:
#8 8-Bit Music:
#7 8-Bit Music:
#6 8-Bit Music:
#5 8-Bit Music:
#4 8-Bit Music:
#3 8-Bit Music:
#2 8-Bit Music:
#1 8-Bit Music:
Art Sources:
Galarian Venomoth Art:
Galarian Bisharp Art:
Galarian Swanna Art:
Galarian Charjabug Art:
Galarian Gumshoos Art:
Galarian Dragonite Art:
Galarian Furret:
Galarian Golduck:
Galarian Slowbro:
Galarian Farfetch’d:
Peppered Moth Picture:
Gameplay Sources:
Pokemon HGSS Koga Gameplay:
Pokemon Black 2 Grimsley Gameplay:
Pokemon Sun and Moon Sophocles Trial Gameplay:
Pokemon Yellow Slowbro Gameplay:
Pokemon Sun and Moon Totem Gumshoos Gameplay:
Pokemon Crystal Farfetch’d Puzzle Gameplay:
Pokemon HGSS Lance Gameplay:
If your work wasn't cited, please email me!