I can take a mini break from my normal way of eating which is a predominately plant based diet with fruits, veggies, greens and grasses, root vegetables and lean pasture raised meats and little to no added sugars.
Friday is one of the days of the week where I allow myself to eat guilt free. NOT TO over eat or overindulge but to simply eat guilt free.
Today we had Beef Wellington cooked by Chef Sean and it was shmack dackin!
Enjoy the vlog!
Roy is a personal trainer who specializes in bodybuilding and weight loss. He started his journey with an aspiration to play professional football one day. A couple season injuries later he had to make a big decision.. Continue down the NFL path or choose something else. He chose “something else” and 10 years later the expert personal trainer focuses on health from the inside out. Longevity is the goal. Building muscle and burning fat is simply a by-product.
The Youtube channel is a documentation of the personal training journey and Roys personal physique goals!
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