
How believing the heretical doctrines of the devil will be very costly...

How believing the heretical doctrines of the devil will be very costly... How believing the heretical doctrines of the devil will be very costly...on the subject of this most certain theological inquiry how to be severed by heretical false doctrines, and by a false religion therefore, from God, from His Divine Institution the true Roman Catholic Church (which is NOT the present time neo-Protestant diabolically founded and driven pro-communist Sect Novus Ordo, which sect had stolen the worldwide Church property including the Vatican), and thus be severed by HERESY and APOSTASY from the Kingdom of Heaven, where no diabolical lies and fabricated false doctrines, and those holding them, can EVER enter, as God is the Truth Himself and with Him there is no lie, and NEVER can be any lie nor liar at all...

THEREFORE there is no other way to salvation BUT by carrying the crosses God sends DAILY and following His ways and His grace into the state of perfection of the soul, which can only be obtained and granted and done by God to those who are truly His, which means who are truly Catholic...and the rest of this world, because of rejecting this truth, is on its way to a great and very serious and imminent punishment from God...!!!


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