

INFO NO ONE ELSE WILL GIVE YOU. Did you know NASA studied and observed a man who claimed to live off nothing but sunlight? After 6 months of research, this is what they found:


DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD I SAY. That’s the problem with the world. Everyone believes in something someone else told them. Do I ”believe” in the Creator/Creators/God? NO. I know God. Do I “believe” the earth is flat? NO. I know the earth is flat, I know the physics of water is to find and maintain level, and I know the physical force known as centrifugal force can not and will never be superseded by a theory of any kind. I know without the Sun, EVERYTHING dies. I know the Sun brings life to all.

The scientific method is observing, repeating, and measuring - yet most get this and scientism confused. Everyone “believes” in something and that’s the problem. STOP BELIEVING SHIT! A belief is NOT based on self observed and verified information, rather relies on someone else’s word. Just like when we all “believed” our lying ass parents and govt about Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, upper space, and anything else in between. You need to KNOW and if you don’t know something, that’s okay! DROP THE EGO. I get it, no one can ever lie or trick you again ever since you found out your greatest loved ones lied to you and taught you it’s okay to lie.
Know God, dont “be-LIE-ve in him/her. Know water finds and maintains level, dont believe water convexes and sticks to the bottom of a spinning ball. Know centrifugal force can’t be superseded by a theory. Know Jesus the Sun walks on water and is accompanied by his 12 zodiacs of astrology. Know the govt and religion is a bunch of mobster crooks and know you can’t trust a gosh darn thing they tell you. Stop relying on an authoritative figure to give you the answers! Take authority of your own life and become a critical thinker. Stop believing in the war on terror” and know all wars are manufactured for dark blood magick, monetary gain, and control over your mind.
Take control of your life like me and millions of others, bring forth Heaven on Earth, and release everyone from bondage.

Do sunglasses cause cancer? STOP “be-LIE-ving what the authorities tell you and research the truth that you seek of yourself:

Is the universe a Simulation? STOP “beLIEving what the govt tells you and seek the truth for yourself:

Did you know one of the smartest people in our plane of existence is a true Hebrew “Jewish” descendant of the first human root race Hyperboreans? Don’t be-LIE-ve me, look up James Gates - said to be the smartest if not one of the smartest people living. I’m talking about up there with Nikola Tesla:

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