
Scorpio November 2019 Tarot reading & Channeled letter - WRITING THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS JOURNEY

Scorpio November 2019 Tarot reading & Channeled letter - WRITING THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS JOURNEY Dear soul,

I am happy to be here for you and also happy we met one another. If you are here and want to join me in this beautiful Journey, it means that it was destined for us to meet.

The imaginary friend is writing letters channeled entirely from spirit to the soul of another that is is search of healing and guidance in his/her spiritual journey from the higher realms of the mind. The tarot readings I recently started doing start with a creative story whispered by spirit which is intended to illustrate the main theme of the reading. The tarot readings and letters also come separate if you so do desire. Ulterior explanation is provided after the story ends, in the same reading along with the messages that come related to the cards.

The reading on Youtube contains past and present energies, while the Patreon extended contains the future unfolding of the same situation. The Patreon extended starts with the additional advice that is channeled from spirit, related to the Letter you received. On Patreon you will be granted access to all the monthly extended readings. The extended version is intended to be for those that resonated with the entire story received.

I want you to also know that my readings are not time dependent. The message will be as long as it has to be.

I never control what comes through, but I trust it is the thing your soul and spirit need most at this current stage in your spiritual journey. I put my trust in God, the Angels, the Ancestors, the Spirit Guides and the Holy Spirit, that they know better than me the story that needs to be brought forward to you.

!!! I don't allow sharing, copying or modifying the content of this channel, the letters I'm writing or other writings that I may share in a public way through my work, without my consent or without mentioning the original source/the author. My writings are the product of my creative process and I reserve the authoring rights for all that is created around the project ''The imaginary friend''. Thank you for respecting that!

If you want to join me on Patreon, please go to:

If you want to get a glimpse of my writings and follow them from now on, feel free to join me also on Facebook (the page is half in Romanian, so please use the translate button if it happens for me to post something that is not in English) :

If you wish to have a private reading with me, please find bellow the options you can choose from (please scroll to the end to see the steps required for getting a reading):

- Tarot reading (7 cards for each past/present/future) - Recorded - 77 USD (this option does include prior meditation on your energy, channeled spirits of dear ones if they want to bring you additional messages)

- Letter from the imaginary friend - Recorded - 88 USD (only the channeled letter with the advice from spirit that comes with it, for this option you will receive a written version of it)

- Letter from the imaginary friend + Tarot reading (7 cards for each past/present/future) - Recorded - 144 USD (for this option, a written version of the story is not available, but can be included for an additional amount of 22 USD for the extra energy that is used)

!!!My readings and letters are intended only for the person requesting. I'm not allowed to read for third parties that are not present or not requesting the reading/letter personally.

!!! The Letters from the imaginary friend might not come for all the people that request them. If this happens, you will be notified and a refund will be made for the 88 USD of the Letter from the imaginary friend. Please be aware that it is not something that I control and I have been guided to specify this.

Thank you for your understanding on the above mentioned information!

All payments are done through Paypal for the moment :

Donations to the same Paypal account are deeply appreciated!

E-mail address:

I ask you kindly to follow the next steps in order to get a reading:

- the PAYMENT should be done in the FIRST PLACE
- the PAYMENT PROOF, your QUESTIONS, FULL BIRTH NAME and your BIRTH DATE should be sent through e-mail at
- please specify in the SUBJECT field the TYPE OF READING you paid for
- as soon as I see your e-mail, I will reply to you to confirm your request was received and give you information on when your reading will be ready (Please keep in mind that the letters I channel take a lot of energy from me so I might not be able to write too many of them in one day)

Thank you in advance for taking into consideration my requirements!

Thank you for being here and for having the courage to pursue your spiritual journey all the way to the end and I hope you will find some of the needed help through my work.

I'm honored to be of service to you!

Lots of love,
Andreea Pătraşc

tarot,reading,channeled messages,scorpio,november,

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