
Snake-Necked Turtles & a Relatively Boring Wildflower Run-Through|DMV APPT. (CPBBD AUS VOL. 9)

Snake-Necked Turtles & a Relatively Boring Wildflower Run-Through|DMV APPT. (CPBBD AUS VOL. 9) Hesitated to put this up, as it sounds like I just got out of a funeral service after downing a bottle of cough syrup and the presentation is rather lacking, but for the sake of exposing the world to some more full-frontal of unknown & underappreciated Australian plants, here it is... (skip to 5 min mark for the plants)

Under-caffeinated, somewhat passionless presentation of some Protea and Myrtle Family flowers encountered in the Southern Foothills of the Stirling Range, Southwestern Australia. Cameo by the Snake-Necked Turtle, Chelodina colliei and Kingia australis, as well as Drakea glyptodon, Isopogon, Hakea and Verticordia chrysantha.

To support more low-brow educational content such as this, please visit or consider a donation to venmo address "societyishell" so that I can afford another cup of coffee and don't sound like I'm on quaaludes next time I take you jadrools to see some rare Australian wildflowers.


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