
AOTW - A mixed exercise programme is safe and may improve QOL & muscle strength in multiple myeloma

AOTW - A mixed exercise programme is safe and may improve QOL & muscle strength in multiple myeloma ARTICLE OF THE WEEK!

This week’s article of the week is titled: A mixed exercise training programme is feasible and safe and may improve quality of life and muscle strength in multiple myeloma.

This study implemented a 3month supervised exercise program that was individualized consisting of stretching, aerobic and resistance exercise, followed by 3 months of home programming. During the study the participants had a high adherence rate during both the supervised and unsupervised sessions. From baseline to 6months, participants reported better quality of life following the exercise program and improvements in fatigue and upper and lower limb strength. The study concluded that an exercise program in multiple myeloma patients was feasible and safe.

If you would like to read more, follow the link below!


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