Shop TGT 2.0 Kit:
Shop TGT 3.0 Kit:
The Most Versatile Golf Training Device The Total Golf Trainer 3.0 is the Ultimate golf training kit for the avid golfer looking to improve your range time or reinforce your lessons. This kit has everything you need to improve your swing and lower your scores. The 3.0 kit is perfect for the beginner golfer also, teaching how to move the club correctly, learn to control the wrist and arms, product powerful consistent lower body movement. The Total Golf Trainer products provide real time feedback. It is like have a coach with you all the time. You can practice in your home, office or on the range and make swings that make a difference. If you just cant get rid of a bad habit or have been practicing hitting a million golf balls seeing no difference in your game. This is because you have no feedback when you are making a good swing. The Total Golf Trainer 3.0 teaches how to correctly move the club to improve the takeaway, downswing path, impact, release. The Total Golf trainer Arm trains wrist and arm positions flat lead wrist or bent trail wrist. Create more extension in the backswing, increase your angle of attach and learn to unleash power at impact. The total Golf trainer Hip teaches correct hip turn in the backswing feeling a proper load. Learn to sequence the downswing increasing speed and rotation through the ball.
• Learn how to control the club, arms and hips
• Train with feedback to accelerate the learning process
• Feel Correct wrist and arm positions
• See and feel the correct swing path
• Generate effortless power using the lower body
With our full line of products and team of world class instructors, you’ll have everything you need to improve your game.