
Can You Make This Idea a Reality?

Can You Make This Idea a Reality? I have shared my desire to start a podcast with reflections upon the daily readings from the Morning Prayers of the ACNA's new Book of Common Prayer ( However, I have a more challenging and exciting form of the idea in mind that, with your help, I would LOVE to make a reality. Can you help? If you can, please contact me here:

If you have any questions or feedback, please send them to me on Curious Cat:

If you have enjoyed my output, please tell your friends. If you are interested in supporting my videos and podcasts and my research more generally, please consider supporting my work on Patreon ( using my PayPal account ( or by buying books for my research on Amazon (

The audio of all of my videos is available on my Soundcloud account: You can also listen to the audio of these episodes on iTunes:

Book of Common Prayer,Daily Office,lectionary,Morning Prayer,

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