
Dennis Lindsay: Ancient Nephilim Architecture

Dennis Lindsay: Ancient Nephilim Architecture There have been some strange events in mankind’s history, but none stranger than the bizarre encounter between heavenly angels and human women, detailed in Genesis chapter 6. Gary Stearman and Christ For the Nations CEO, Dennis Lindsay, review a groundbreaking book on this hybrid creation, cursed by God, resulting in the Flood of Noah and the destruction of mankind, save Noah and his family. But he takes us even further into Greek and Egyptian mythology, gigantic megalithic architecture found throughout Israel and the rest of the world, modern-day DNA manipulation, Nimrod, King Og of Bashan, angelic barcodes and the seed of Satan! The heroes of yesteryear, “men of renown,” are Hollywood’s heroes today. Centaurs, giants and superheroes . . . oh my! A fascinating interview!

Gary Stearman,Bob Ulrich,Bible Prophecy,Prophecy Watchers,Bible,Jesus Christ,PITN,Prophecy in the News,SkywatchTV,End,Times,Dennis Lindsay,Architecture,Nephilim,Ancient,Pyramids,

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