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..::Important Notice::..
There are Impersonators, claiming to be Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak! Please DON'T fall, victim!
For ANY Enquiry about the Ministry:
Public Relations Department: 08147214444 and 09077777853
Protocol Department: 07087777765
Media Department: 08100289892
Finance Department: 09065996660
If You’re led to SOW into the Ministry below is the account detail:
Account Name: Eternity Network International
Account Numbers:
NAIRA: 0113343316
USD: 0459170230
GBP: 0459170247
EUR: 0459170089
Swift code: GTBINGLA
Sort Code: 058118119
Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank Plc
NB: Neither Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak nor the Ministry [Koinonia(Eternity Network International)] will EVER ask for Donation or Transfer of fund for an orphanage or any other course! Beware of Fraudster and report any art of fraudulent to the Protocol Department[07087777765]!