When I color the skin, I go from light to dark in light layers of color, shadowing the eyes, mouth, nose, and the shape of the face. I use PrismaColors which are on sale now 50% off here.
Take a look: at these great soft, vivid pencils, If you purchase, get a small commission.
Jennifer is a new adult coloring page that I just published today on my website: and on Etsy at etsy.com/shop/coloringmage Please Check it out. Please subscribe if you haven't yet. I publish a new coloring page every week and blog about it on Rosemarybabikan.com/ #adultcoloring #prettyfacestocolor #beautifulwomancoloring #coloringforadults #adultcoloringpages #pagestocolor #howtocolorafaceinpencil #coloringaface #coloringafaceinpencil
#howtocolorskin #coloringskintones