This Sermon was preached at Living Water Community Church on October 27, 2019 by Pastor Clark Cothern in Ypsilanti Michigan.
1 Peter 3:8-22
Suffering for Doing Good
Questions for discussion
1. According to Peter’s words in this letter, should believers in Christ expect to suffer even if they “do good?”
2. What does Peter mean when he says that it is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil?
3. When Christians suffer for the sake of Christ and refuse to retaliate what do we hope may happen as outsiders witness that behavior?
4. When people ask us about our differences how does Peter say we should respond? In what tone should we answer?
5. The same gospel is true today as it was in Noah’s day. What is that gospel message?
6. What are some of the rewards awaiting those who suffer for Christ’s sake here on earth?